Saturday, 15 December 2012


Greatvine have published this article of mine in it's entirity despite it being quite radical

Friday, 30 November 2012

GoodReads profile is fun

my profile on Good Reads includes lots of quotes by me and others, plus people and books of interest

Wednesday, 19 September 2012

Peace Meditation - you can even join in remotely.

Friday 21st Sept is International Peace day - though for us every day is peace day.  Anyway, we will be linking in with many around the globe to meditate for peace.  We will focus on 4pm GMT, and ideally with a local gathering, but anyone can tune in then, or in fact anytime from 4am on 21st to 4am on 22nd, as the international effort will swing right around the clock.

Please also see our "Back to The Garden" facebook page if you are interested in meditation link-ups in general, as we do them several times a week, to help embed our ideas of how we want our world to be into the collective subconscious, and to enhance world peace, healing, love, consciousness, etc.  We also post articles, links etc.

Also our website is

Monday, 27 August 2012

3rd Book plans - Back to The Garden
Started work on my 3rd book, and this new website goes along with it.
It also links in with a facebook group page to allow involvement of others,
so do come and join in.
Includes Articles, Links to useful info, resources & contacts, Global Meditation Link Ups, Community Networks, Creativity that helps express our aims.

Tuesday, 31 July 2012

My Book

Just had an email from my Publisher, Hay House, saying that they love my manuscript (so far) and my writing style!  Next step is to provide more information and the rest of the manuscript. 

PLEASE go to my book page NO PARADOX
and click to like it xx

Tuesday, 26 June 2012

My Books

This includes info on my previously published poetry books (mostly self illustrated) and how to order them, as well as info on my forthcoming philosophical / personal development ones

Wednesday, 6 June 2012

Advice Line

I am now working for a professional advice line [Greatvine] giving help and support via telephone and email, as well as working with Chris via our website  This website offers the ability to use this service, which allows payments to be made via your phone bill if you prefer to do this than use paypal.

I continue to be available for individual [or group] therapy work via my main website and information about my forthcoming books is on there, as well as other inspirational tools.